Aug 23

As reported in multiple blogs and user forums, the SMTP component had an issue about locking the files that was attached to sent emails. This usually always caused issues, as you would clean up your temporarily generated files after having sent them with the email attachment.

According to the released hotfix KB2280492, this was occurred occurs because Microsoft .NET Framework waits for the garbage collector to release resources when .NET COM objects are retained in memory.

Curious as most i looked into the fix they released to see what was actually changed, as it uses some standard .NET components to send the emails with.

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Jul 08

As a NAV developer there are basically only 2 books to live by:

  1. Application Designers Guide
    (Also available in the F1 Online Help in the application)
  2. C/AL Programming Guide
    (Programming-, Naming-, Numbering-conventions in NAV)

These books should be mandatory reading by any developer/person doing development, but real world experience unfortunately shows they aren’t. Even for ISV products you see some scary interesting examples.
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